Antoni zoekt een Kamer in Enschede

Antoni zoekt: Een Kamer in Enschede

  • Kamer
  • Min. 9 m2
  • Man
  • 19 Per direct

Some basic info about me is that I'm 17 years old and will be starting my bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering in September. I'm very active, especially in the gym or in basketball, but playing any sport or just spending time outdoors is always exciting to me. I really like acquiring new skills and trying new things. I can both ski and snowboard, surf normally and with a kite at like a basic level. I also have an Advanced Open Water Diver PADI license (for scuba diving), a yacht skipper license and a motorboat license.

I also think that I'm quite disciplined and organised, so I'm pretty sure that I won't be a burden to my other housemates.

I'm not sure if it says anything more about my character but I have also travelled through India by train in like the 5th class (the worst one), visited Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana using local buses and also travelled to Bolivia, Malaysia, Mexico and the Philipines just to name a few.

Most importantly I want to make as much out of my time as a student as possible.

Algemene informatie: Antoni
  Man, 18 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  1e jaars Mechanical Engineering (MBO)